The video game is set in a Victorian world that follows the adventures of Arthur Artorias, a faceless man in pursuit of answers and revenge. In Winter Ember Chapter 2, Arthur's personal quest for revenge has to be put aside because the scars from his brutal attack continue to inflict pain on him. In order to ease his suffering, he has to pay a price that could cost him the last of his humanity.
Winter Ember is written by the acclaimed Kevin Grevioux, creator of the Underworld Series and I-Frankenstein film franchises. Grevioux is also a prolific comic book writer credited for works such as Marvel's Amazing Spider-Man, New Warriors, Young Avengers, as well as DC's Cyborg, Variant's Bloodshot among others. The artwork is produced by Chris Awayan has illustrated the Indestructible comic book series. Ben Herrera is the cover artist, Emmanuel Ordaz Torres is the colorist, and Justin Burich is the letterer.
The Winter Ember graphic novel is available to bookstores on April 25, 2022. Chapter 2 of the Winter Ember comic book series can be found on platforms such as Comic Distro and Kindle.
More information about the Winter Ember graphic novel and comic book series is available online at
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