Friday, March 12, 2021

Unboxing: Target Exclusive Culture Fly Game of Thrones Box

Spotted this Target exclusive Game of Thrones Culture Fly box at Marshall's for the low low price of $4.00. How could I pass that up? Obviously it came home with me which is why we're here today. The box came with six high quality products. Unlike the Captain Marvel box, I don't think there was one stinker in the box!

First up was a pair of House Targaryen Socks. The one size fits most socks are black with the House Targaryen logo. They're a bit thin, but still a nice looking pair of socks. You can never go wrong with a pair of fresh socks.

Second out of the box was a sigil pin set. They feature the House Stark and House Targaryen sigil's. The heavyweight pins look awesome. They're going to find their way onto my backpack at some point.

Next up was an "I drink and I know things" bottle opener. The famous line was uttered by Tyrion Lannister and we've seen the quote pop up everywhere; from tees to mugs. It's a no-brainer to put it on a bottle opener. It seems to be a well-made opener that should last.

The fourth item out of the box is Game of Thrones sketchbook. The book has Game of Thrones images on the cover. It's a nice looking, high quality book.

Fifth out of the box is my favorite item inside. It's a vinyl version of the Iron Throne. It's a nice display piece and if there wasn't one included in the box, I would have been disappointed. Up-close it's not as detailed as one would hope, but it's still a great looking display piece.

Finally, we pulled the big mystery item out of the box. It's a "Hodor" doorstop! For me, it's not useful, but it's definitely a cheeky little item. I may keep it just for the laughs. 

Overall, this was a solid box from Culture Fly. The others I've gotten have been hit or miss in terms of quality/selection. For the $4.00 price tag, it was a steal! Keep an eye out at your local Marshall's! 

Inside the Target Exclusive Culture Fly Game of Thrones Box:

-House Targaryen Socks

-House Stark and House Targaryen Sigil Pin Set

-"I Drink and I Know Things" Bottle Opener

-Game of Thrones Sketchbook

-Vinyl Iron Throne

-Hodor Doorstop

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